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What is direct mailing and how to use it in marketing?

We are bombarded with an avalanche of information every day. It is estimated that on average we consume about 74 GB of data per day, which is the equivalent of 100,000 words or 16 full-length movies.

  • Direct mailing – what exactly is it?
  • Direct mailing packages and their contents.
  • Personalization and address databases in direct mailing.
  • Advantages of direct mailing.
  • Are envelope mailings still effective today?

Every day, we are bombarded with an avalanche of information. It is estimated that, on average, we consume around 74 GB of data daily, which corresponds to 100,000 words or 16 full-length films. In one day, we receive as much information as our ancestors did throughout their entire lives!

As recipients of messages, we are overwhelmed by their sheer volume. Senders struggle to reach us and hold our attention for longer. An effective solution might be a return to traditional forms of communication based on print and paper. Direct mailing allows us to stand out in the noise of information and execute marketing campaigns that are memorable.

Direct mailing refers to postal deliveries physically sent to recipients, either in the form of addressed or unaddressed distribution. They are delivered directly to the recipient’s mailbox using traditional postal services.

Direct mailing most commonly takes the form of a traditional letter enclosed in an envelope, but it can also take the shape of a postcard. The package can also be more creative and spatial in form.

Direct mailing campaigns are implemented to:

  • increase sales,
  • build and strengthen the relationship between the brand and the recipient,
  • increase audience engagement,
  • reactivate customers,
  • gain financial support,
  • generate new leads,
  • maintain customer loyalty.

Direct mailing packages and their contents

Examples of direct marketing implementations can be multiplied endlessly. The shape of such a package can be arbitrary. The only limit is the budget. It can be the simplest letter in an envelope, a creative self-mailer with an intriguing opening mechanism, or a package in a box. Inside, we can include, for example, product samples, invitations, official letters, debt collection notices, flyers and catalogs with offers, discount coupons, and scratch cards.

The more creative the form and graphic design – the better. We can also add small gadgets to the package, which directly influence the open rate of the packages and the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

The content in direct mailings should be personalized. Personalization can be applied to the content, image, or even the form of the campaign. We can send one type of package to women, another to men, one to people aged 18+, and another to those aged 40+.

For personalizing direct mailings, we use an address database. Ideally, we have our own verified database, which we explore and regularly maintain (update, clean, etc.).

Personalization in direct mailing plays a key role in the success of the campaign as it allows for a more targeted and individual approach to the recipient. Personalization – such as using the recipient’s name and tailoring the content to their preferences – makes the customer feel more valued, which can lead to long-term loyalty.

Direct mailing is a unique form of marketing that engages recipients on an emotional and sensory level, making it more effective than many digital advertising forms. In the digital age, direct mailing allows companies to break through the information noise and create a more personal connection with the customer.

Direct mailing allows recipients to physically experience the package and engages all their senses. Elements targeting touch (e.g., different paper textures, materials), sight (colorful, aesthetic graphics), and even smell (e.g., perfumed leaflets) can be included in the package. This strengthens the recipient’s emotional bond with the brand.

The main advantage of a well-constructed direct mailing is its ability to precisely reach a target group of recipients that interests us – living in a specific area, within a certain age group, of a specific gender, with suitable income levels, shopping preferences, etc. The biggest challenge is hitting the mark with the message, which involves establishing the address database to which marketing packages will be sent.

In a world dominated by digital messages, a physical package stands out in the mailbox, automatically increasing its visibility. Original and creative package forms catch attention and create a positive first impression. Instead of being one of hundreds of email messages, direct mail attracts the recipient’s attention in a unique and tangible way.

Because the recipient must physically open the package, the process of opening it creates an engagement moment, something that quick clicks in emails cannot provide. This increases the chances of the package being opened.

Unlike online ads, which can be quickly ignored or closed, printed materials have a longer lifespan. A package can stay on a desk or at home for an extended time, continuously reminding the recipient of the brand and offer. If you include a practical gadget with the package, you gain an additional advantage. The recipient will happily use a pen, notebook, or bag daily, increasing the reach of your message to new audiences.

If you think that communication via traditional mail is outdated, think again. It is often said that we live in a digital world and our lives revolve around smartphone screens. It’s no wonder that companies use digital communication channels to reach us.

On the other hand, technological advancements and the pandemic have caused many people to feel digital fatigue. We increasingly turn to content that doesn’t require using a screen. Therefore, receiving a physical package is more attractive, providing a break from the digital messages we encounter daily.

In summary, direct mailing is an effective marketing tool that allows companies to stand out in the flood of digital messages and build a personal connection with recipients. In an era of information overload and digital fatigue, physical packages engage the senses and create emotional connections with the brand. With personalization and precise targeting, direct mailing increases the chances of capturing interest and building customer loyalty.

Direct mailing
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